Short stories to write about
Short stories to write about

short stories to write about short stories to write about

Click over to Goodreads and check out some of the reviews of short story collections, and you’re likely to get comments like “I wish he’d write a novel,” and “I just hate short stories.”Īs a short story writer, I lived in denial for years. Google almost any celebrated short story writer - George Saunders, Kelly Link, Alice Munro, Isak Dinesen, Joy Williams - and you’re likely to see the same two words over and over again: “writer’s writer.” Lest you be tempted to exalt that phrase’s use, consider Cynthia Ozick’s description: “Every writer understands exactly what that fearful possessive hints at: a modicum of professional admiration accompanied - or subverted - by dim public recognition and even dimmer sales.” Other words might be “underrated,” “under read,” even “obscure.” Ask your co-workers who Lorrie Moore is and watch the blank stares you get in return. Sign up for our newsletter to get submission announcements and stay on top of our best work.

Short stories to write about